The Problem: A recycler in Illinois shreds sheets of high-density polyethylene sandwiched between stainless steel. They needed to remove the stainless steel to clean up the plastic.
The Equipment: Eriez 24-inch diameter Salient Pole Rare Earth Drum Magnet
The Solution: Eriez provided a hopper with A/C operated electromagnetic bin vibrator for flow inducement, a 28-inch wide by 30-inch long Vibratory Feeder to meter the product, and 24-inch diameter x 30-inch wide Salient Pole Rare Earth Drum all on a common support structure.
The Result: The polyethylene is liberated from the 300 series stainless steel during the shredding process which work-hardens the stainless making it slightly magnetic. Due to the strength of the Eriez Salient Pole Rare Earth Drum Magnet, the recycler was able to separate the 304 and 316 stainless steel metal pieces from the plastics, which allowed them to clean up their plastic and sell the recovered stainless steel.